Free Material Characterization by sensXPERT
- “Free Material Characterization” on the occasion of JEC World in Paris
- Panel Discussion on „Composites Manufacturing 4.0”
- Presentation on „Cost Efficient and High Quality Products with an Intelligent Process Optimization Solution“
Munich, 14th February 2024 – sensXPERT, a Corporate Venture of Netzsch-Group, offers an exciting trade fair program from March 5th to 7th with interesting activities for plastics processing companies as part of the JEC World in Paris, the international leading trade fair for composites. Inspiring lectures and discussion rounds with sensXPERT experts and Cornelia Beyer, CEO of sensXPERT, as well as a free material characterization provide insights into the unique technology of sensXPERT. Interested trade fair visitors can find the sensXPERT booth in Hall 6, booth number T52. As technology continues to revolutionize manufacturing, the integration of automation, robotics, and digital technologies promises to bring unprecedented efficiency, precision, and cost-effectiveness to composite production processes. This theme runs like a thread through the entire program of sensXPERT.
The sensXPERT program during JEC World
On March 5th at 12 PM, Dr. Alexander Chaloupka, CTO of sensXPERT, will provide valuable insights into various manufacturing processes from leading industries in Hall 6 in conference room Agora 6, based on success stories of sensXPERT customers. In his lecture, Dr. Chaloupka explains how cost-efficient, high-quality products can be manufactured. Stricter regulations demanding high quality parts and rising cost pressures increasingly burden composite manufacturers. To keep pace with growing demands, many companies ask themselves how intelligent process technologies enable them to manage this balancing act, while simultaneously evaluating new composite application fields, such as hydrogen vessels and the like. Novel technology combining intelligent hardware with machine learning reduces scrap and cycle times, as well as generates significant energy savings.
On March 7th at 12 PM, a panel discussion with Cornelia Beyer, CEO of sensXPERT, on “Composites Manufacturing 4.0: Unlocking Efficiency and Sustainability Through Automation & Digitalization” will take place in conference room Agora 5 at the JEC World. Trade fair visitors of the panel discussion can gain valuable perspectives on how automation and digitalization are reshaping composite manufacturing for a more efficient and sustainable future. This panel discussion will focus on the latest advancements in digital design tools, simulation, process optimization, and intelligent manufacturing in the field of composite materials. The basis of the discussion is how these cutting-edge technologies can reshape the landscape of composite manufacturing and enable faster production cycles, reduced material consumption, better product quality, and expanded customization options while ensuring safety, reducing waste, managing end-of-life, and promoting sustainability. Other panelists include: Avner Ben Bassat / President & CEO at PLATAINE, Jose Feigenbaum / Innovation Leader at ROCTOOL, Enrique Garcia / Head of Technology Department at the National Composites Centre UK, and Mitchell Smith / Director of Technology and Process Engineering at MRA Systems LLC.
How to win a Free Material Characterization
Companies can submit their materials and receive a free material characterization to identify optimization potential in their manufacturing process. The sensXPERT team will conduct up to 10 measurements on a submitted material and present the results in a subsequent meeting. The advantage for participating companies is that they discover how much potential they have for efficiency improvement and cycle time reduction in their manufacturing process while maintaining production in the highest quality. “Our experienced sensXPERT team will perform up to 10 precise measurements with dielectric analysis and reveal important processing parameters. In an initial online meeting, we will define parameters together and discuss production challenges. Following that, participating companies will receive an online presentation of the results,” explains Dr. Alexander Chaloupka, CTO of sensXPERT. Companies can register here to win a free material characterization:
How to participate
- Participation is simple: Visit the sensXPERT booth No. T52 in Hall 6, drop your business card into the box
- Register online at the following link:
Through the sensXPERT material characterization, companies not only gain detailed insights into the production of their materials but also have the opportunity to improve the quality and efficiency of their manufacturing processes.
About sensXPERT
sensXPERT is a leading provider of advanced technologies for process optimization of plastic components and offers tailored solutions for companies in various industries. With a dedicated team of experts and state-of-the-art technology, sensXPERT strives to revolutionize production processes and help its customers achieve their goals effectively. By utilizing advanced AI algorithms and state-of-the-art sensor technologies, sensXPERT enables precise and comprehensive material characterization in real-time. sensXPERT solutions also provide sustainable improvements in the production process for the following industries: Automotive, Aviation, Building & Construction, Renewable Energy, Electrical Applications, Military Defense, Consumer Goods, Electronics Encapsulation.
Press contact
Sabrina Fröhlich
T. +49 9287 91918 5
Download of the press release and images here

Image 1: sensXPERT booth during JEC WORLD in Paris