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Uplifting Your Economic Efficiency and Sustainable Production

Milena Riedl

Uplifting Your Economic Efficiency and Sustainable Production

Learn how sensXPERT Digital Mold increases your business’ economic efficiency. Our managing director, Cornelia Beyer, reveals the financial impact of our integrated solution with two examples of customer cases from the electronics and the aviation industries.

By inputting factors like machine uptime, raw material costs, and cycle time per part into our ROI Calculator, you will gain a calculation of the estimated increase in economic efficiency and return on investment for your business.

How will you benefit from increased economic efficiency?

Processors who implemented sensXPERT Digital Mold into their production lines, shortened cycle times by as much as 30%, reduced scrap by up to 50% and save on average 23% in energy usage.

In general, plastics manufacturers that take the necessary steps towards maintaining economic efficiency in their production enjoy numerous benefits. Cost reduction, competitive advantage, capacity for research and innovation, energy savings, and resource conservation are just a few significant impacts that cost-effective production can bring to your manufacturing landscape.

So, how much can your business benefit by integrating sensXPERT Digital Mold into your production? Try out our ROI calculator and discover the economic possibilities!

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